Heyo -<^.^>- About AK!
ARUNKUMAR KABILAN, Twenty-Two years old proactive boy who loves Computer Programming & Mathematics

Arunkumar's Skills
C | C++ | Java | JSP | Servlet | HTML | CSS | Javascript | SQL | Android

Arunkumar's Achievements
Best Project Award. Technical Club 2018, MVIT
The objective of this project is to develop an android app that helps the people who met with an accident by communicating their parental contact.
Runners up in Smart India Hackathon 2019
Developed a project named "Shared Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting Guider" that guides the user by providing various idea for complete setup and installation for Rainwater Harvesting over a large area.
NPTEL DBMS Certification
Cleared NPTEL Database Management Certification with elite grade.